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A Vending system allows the management and controlled distribution of articles in an automatic way. Through the electronic identification of the user, the selection of the consumable from a digital list and the availability of items 24h and 7/7, a reduction in daily consumption of up to 40% can be achieved. The reports programmed on the analysis and statistics of flows, allow a better management of stocks in real time.

In Dynabox when a user is identified he/she can then select the desired item from the touchscreen. The Column rotates and only the relevant trap door opens at the chamber containing the item and quantity selected. The items are stored in these are 100% secured chambers.

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The Lockerbox offers a wide range of compartment layouts. These options have been designed to speed up the visual retrieval of available equipment and to guarantee equipment that is always ready for use.


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G-Box software adapts to the European standards in force and controls and secures distribution of items while reducing risk of civil accidents.

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