Increased storage capacity

Access to the material from the first
or from the second level

Handwheel or automatic movement


Optimization of space and material in height
The ability to customize the project allows us to take advantage of any space, even in height. In fact, thanks to the compactable FRAMEplus it is possible to double the storage and storage capacity, exploiting the height of the rooms and without building works. Access to the second level is in fact possible thanks to a staircase and a galvanized grating platform, supported by the same structure. It is possible to customize the modules with accessories and internal and external finishes and in addition it is possible to choose the type of movement: manual with handwheel or automatic.
Technical Details
Upper Platform
The platform of the upper decking is composed by electro-welded galvanized grilled panel. its length is the same length of the first structure below. In this way is possible to slide the elements of the double deck without problems. The platform, mounted on two parallels lateral supports in galvanized steel, is supported by metal guides fixed inside each side, that allow the sliding of each mobile element and ensure an high flow rate.
Fixed walking platform
In areas not occupied by mobile shelves, there is a fixed platform, placed at the same level as the pass-through one, for the personnel walkway.
This platform is made up of a self-supporting structure made up of columns and beams made of profiled steel with galvanized electrowelded metallic lily panels.
Metal sliding guides
The metal sliding guides are equipped with 4 ball bearings with lubrication protected from dust infiltrations, placed on each shoulder of the shelving. The series of these guides represents the supporting structure on the passing floor, placed to allow consultation on the upper floor.
Stairs for the second level
The access staircase to the mezzanine level is made up of two electrically welded load-bearing sides, each of which consists of a rectangular section steel tubing, a series of vertical uprights and a handrail also in tubular steel section. The two sides are joined together by steps, made of galvanized non-slip ashlar. They are provided with sill plate.
Guard railing
In the areas facing the void, tubular steel section railings are provided, equipped with a safety handrail tube. They are provided with sill plate.
Lower and upper handling group
One of the two main components of the movement is represented by the lower and upper movement group, formed by a support in galvanized sheet. It contains the axis of connection to the mobile base and transmission of the movement to the handwheel.
Hand wheel handling
The second important component of handling is the handwheel. It is equipped with a folding maneuvering handle (to prevent the clothing of the staff from getting stuck during the passive rotation phase) and a piston button for inserting the anti-crushing locking system.

Accessories & Safety

It is important for us to offer a product that meets the customer's needs. Accessories are an integral element of our philosophy. It is possible to add accessories to the compactable archive, making it unique but above all functional. Request your needs in the design phase.

Sliding doors

Manual push movement

Extractable frames for hanging files

Internal compactable ladders

Management software

Hinged doors

Removable shelves

Special wood finishes

Special supports for paintings

Management with smartphone or tablet

Extractable drawers

Vertical and Horizontal dividers

Waterproof aluminum floors

Automatic LED lighting system

Automatic handling

All our systems are designed and built according to precise safety standards. We have equipped our systems with safety devices that guarantee the perfect functioning of the compactable. Some devices are usually present in the system, others can be added, guaranteeing the best results in its use. There are therefore on each mobile shelving trolley, an anti-overturning device, an anti-crushing device, a ground guide device and a limit switch device.

Limit switch system

Connecting slides with the platforms

horizontal and vertical

24 Volt operation

Shelves with
anti-release device

Anti overturning system

24 Volt lighting system

Report of
user usage

"Guide" system

Fireproof platforms

Anti-cut edges and edges

Integrated anti-crushing system

Electronic control

Safety photocells

Automatic handling